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Membership in Garden of the Cats

Garden of the Cats is always open to new members, provided you are interested in promoting responsible animal ownership, humane population control, and supporting shelter operations. If you feel like you can contribute to this organization with innovative ideas, volunteer during fund-raising events, and help educate the public on the proper cate of domestic pets, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our current members, either in person or through this website (Contact Page). You can find any of us at our TICA-sponsored shows or fund-raising events, which are posted here.  

Membership is not immediately granted. A successful organization is guaranteed only when all the members work together to achieve the goals of the organization and have a harmonious relationship with each other. Each applicant for membership in Garden of the Cats must be approved by the majority of the current membership.

Benefits of membership in Garden of the Cats:  

Voting rights in proposed changes and the governing body of the organization.

Being part of a community of cat fanciers that support promoting feline welfare and appreciation, and supporting animals in general.

Participate in putting on shows and fund-raising events to generate donations for animal advocacy charities.

Discounts on show entries and first shot at discounts to hotels for shows.

Developing lasting friendships and support with other like-minded people.

A feeling of accomplishment in supporting animal welfare and responsible ownership.

Educating others, especially the younger generation, in responsibility and respect for all animals.

Garden of the Cats does not discriminate in any manner in accepting membership applications or distributing donations to animal advocacy charities. This organization offers an equal voice in the direction of the activities of the club and encourages participation in all events, including shows and fund-raisers.

Membership dues in Garden of the Cats is $25 annual, paid on January 1st of each year. The dues go toward the necessary expenses to operate the organization.

If you are interested in applying for membership in Garden of the Cats, you may contact us at the following email addresses:

Catherine Rudy: wolfpirateprop@aol.com