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Junior Exhibitors

Junior exhibitors are minors who show their cats in shows. They can be household pets or championship, pedigreed cats. The point is, the exhibitors are minors. Many shows offer reduced entry rates for Junior Exhibitors, but the child must be the one who brings their cat to the ring. They should be able to tell you about their cat and its breed. Junior exhibitors are recognized as the future generation of exhibitors. They are also the ones who will be responsible pet parents.

Junior exhibitors are often stewards and clerks at shows, where they can earn a little money in the meantime. A steward is someone who disinfects the cages between cats. A clerk is someone who records the positions a cat earns during judging (i.e. first, second, third in color, division, and breed).

Many shows have junior exhibitor rings, where just junior exhibitors show off their cats themselves and answer questions posed by a judge. TICA has a Junior Exhibitor Program, where youngsters learn about show etiquette, basic health and welfare of cats, and other issues. Ir you would be interested in TICA’s Junior Exhibitor Program, click here.

Garden of the Cats and Junior Exhibitors

Garden of the Cats works with youngsters on many levels, to help inspire a love and appreciation for cats and animals in general. In that respect, we incorporate Junior Exhibitor benefits in the shows we host. Junior Exhibitors will always be able to enter their cats in our shows at reduced entry fees. However, the junior exhibitor will be required to attend the show and take their cat to each ring.

Our shows will have Junior Exhibitor rings when enough Junior exhibitors enter a show. These rings will be interactive, where the child will present his or her cat and answer questions about their cat or its breed.

Junior Exhibitors that are showing for the first time or are still uncertain of the showing process will be paired with a mentor for the show so they get tips for succeeding, don’t miss a ring, and learn how to understand the showing process. The purpose of this is to make the show a fun experience for the child and to encourage appreciation of cats and all animals.

If you are a Junior Exhibitor and you want to show your cat at one of our hosted shows, don’t hesitate to let us know ahead of time. We’ll get you set up with a mentor and benched next to them. Our Junior Exhibitor liaison is Mary Killen. Contact us at the following emails:

Catherine Rudy: wolfpirateprop@aol.com

Garden of the Cats and 4-H Members

Garden of the Cats works with 4H members to get them more active with animal welfare. We sponsor some 4H members at cat shows, where we pay their entry fee and educate them on how to prepare for the show. Having youngsters show their cats in show is an excellent way for a child to learn how to properly handle and manage a pet, since they are working directly with their pet for the whole weekend. They will learn basics on how to groom, care, and handle their pet, as well as get to talk to experts and learn the history, physiology, and behavior of the animal. Showing a pet also gives a child confidence and a sense of pride.

If you are a 4H member or the parent of a 4H member, and you would like to see about entering your pet into a show, contact us at the following email:

Catherine Rudy: wolfpirateprop@aol.com