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Rescued: Annie

Adoption Pending

A picture of Annie before she was subjected to such horrible living conditions.

We do not know much about Annie, but from her appearance, she seems to be a shorthair female long leg Minuet.

Annie was taken on by a rescuer in Indiana as a foster case the night she was brought out of the hoarding house. There, she was kept in a cage for unknown how long and neglected, given either no food or minimal food for at least a month. She was horribly emaciated and weighed only 4 pounds, almost half her normal weight. Even though she is a shorthair, she was matted and covered in filth.  Her rescuer is seeing to her medical care and recovery.

Her foster parent reports that Annie is an overly sweet, fearless girl. She comes running when she sees people. She loves other cats and seems good with dogs. She appears to like kids, too.  

Annie’s recent labs came back all within range and her kidneys have resumed normal functioning. She has been cleared to be found a home. Her spay is scheduled for next month, at which time, she will be allowed to go to a permanent home.

January 14, 2025, It appears that Annie has a pending permanent home. She will complete her recovery and be spayed, vaccinated and go home to her new family. We are very happy that Annie will be loved for many years to come.

Please see other cats for adoption, as they are waiting for their permanent loving home.

Annie, kept caged and in filth.

Pictures of Annie in her recovery. Due to coming out of a horribly filthy situation, these cats had to be quarantined. Annie was able to be housed in a wonderfully large, spacious “greenhouse” all by herself and with all the amenities of comfort while she recovered from her ordeal and labs showed that she was finally free of communicable diseases and infestations.