Rescued: Jing
Passed Away
A picture of Jing before she was subjected to such horrible living conditions.
According to records found at the breeder’s house and website, Jing is a female blue long leg Minuet that was born on August 27, 2021. She is currently three years old.
Jing was taken on by Town and Country Animal Rescue of Omaha as a foster case the night she was brought out of the hoarding house. There, she was kept in a cage for unknown how long and neglected, given either no food or minimal food for at least a month. She was our worst case emaciation, weighing only 1.86 pounds. She actually weighed less than a 12-week old short leg Minuet kitten does when it goes home. Skin and bones is an understatement to describe her condition. She was considered to be on death’s doorstep when she was taken in by the more experienced Town and Country Animal Rescue personnel. She is suffering from a parasite burden, herpes in the eye, anemia, and an upper respiratory infection. She will need to undergo long-term medical care and recovery before she will be available for adoption.
Her foster care givers reports that Jing is timid and they are more focused on her health care to worry about what kind of home she will be best suited for. Our prayers are with Jing that she recovers quickly and fully.
January 14, 2025 Update: Jing is improving health-wise, although she has nasal wheezing that we learned she had this wheezing before. However, Jing must have experienced some horrific experiences while in the custody of this bad breeder because she is having trouble overcoming hear fear. She is on anxiety medication at this time because she was pulling her hair out. Reports are that she was originally a sweet but reserved cat that relied heavily on friendships with other cats to be happy.
Jing is still being cared for, so we do not know if she will need any long-term medical care when she goes home. We will know this for sure when she is available for adoption. However, with this new learned information about Jing’s anxiety, she will be looking for a quiet home with a friend. It is reported that she got along well with Melody, so it would be ideal if the two were adopted together.
March 1, 2025, Update: Jing took a turn for the worse during the course of her recovery. She was showing signs of difficulty with breathing so she was taken to the vet to find out what was causing the condition. X-rays showed her soft palate elongated to the point that it was causing an airway obstruction. Her breathing was so compromised at this point that she needed to be placed on oxygen. Vets disclosed that it was a miracle she had lived this long and there was nothing that could be done for her. To ease Jing’s suffering, she was put to sleep where she would have peace. We are at least happy that for the last couple of months, Jing knew love and kindness from her rescuers.
Jing, the night she was rescued, being weighed. She weighed an incredibly mind-blowing 1.86 pounds. In comparison, a short Minuet at 12 weeks old will be 2 pounds. Jing is a tall Minuet.
Jing being bathed the day she was rescued. She was so infested with fleas, blood poured off her during the bath.
Jing’s final x-ray that showed her blocked airway. We are sorry, Jing, that your life was so short and awful.