A picture of Pippa before she was subjected to such horrible living conditions.
According to records found at the breeder’s house and website, Pippa is a female blue and white long leg Minuet. She was born on June 14, 2020.
Pippa was taken on by Town and Country Animal Rescue of Omaha as a foster case the night she was brought out of the hoarding house. There, she was kept in a cage for unknown how long and neglected, given either no food or minimal food for at least a month. She was horribly emaciated and weighed only a fraction of what her breed should be. She was matted and needed to have knots and mats removed. Town and Country Animal Rescue of Omaha is seeing to her medical care and recovery. She is currently recovering from her ordeal.
Her foster parent reports that Pippa is very timid and takes a while to warm up and trust. If given time, she is very sweet. She is quiet and gets along fine with other animals.
Pippa is still being cared for, so we are not aware if she will need any long-term medical care when she goes home. We will know this for sure when she is available for adoption.
If you might be interested in adopting Pippa when she becomes available, please contact Town and Country Animal Rescue of Omaha directly to discuss her adoption from them. (https://townandcountryanimalrescue.org/)
Millie, the night she was rescued, awaiting her turn for a weigh in.