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Rescued: Millie

Not much is known about Melvin, as there were no records at the breeder’s house or on her website about him. Given the condition he was found it, it is believed he wasn’t considered to be of any value. What we know of Melvin is from a visual inspection of him. He appears to be a 5 to 6 month old black and white long leg Minuet.

Melvin was taken on by Town and Country Animal Rescue of Omaha as a foster case the night he was brought out of the bad breeder’s house. There, he was kept in a cage for unknown how long and neglected, given either no food or minimal food for at least a month. He was horribly emaciated and weighed only 2 pounds. This is the weight of a 12 week old short leg Minuet. Melvin was matted and needed to be shaved in places to remove painful knots.  He was covered in his own filth. Town and Country Animal Rescue of Omaha is seeing to his medical care and recovery. He is currently recovering from his ordeal.

Melvin’s foster caregivers report that he has started to play with toys for the first time, after having no energy for the first few weeks of his recovery. We are waiting to see what his personality will be once he becomes more active.

January 14, 2025 Update: Melvin is now in the care of a foster home while he continues his recovery. Current pictures show him to be thriving in the love of a his companion fosters.

Melvin is still being cared for, so we are not absolutely certain if he will need any long-term medical care when he goes home. We will know this for sure when he is available for adoption.

If you might be interested in adopting Melvin when he becomes available, please contact Town and Country Animal Rescue of Omaha directly to discuss her adoption from them. (https://townandcountryanimalrescue.org/)

Melvin, the night he was rescued, being weighed for the first time. An awful 2 pounds.

Melvin, at the Town and Country Animal Shelter, the night he was rescued from his horrible ordeal.

Melvin, a very happy kitty in his foster care home. His hair is growing back and his health is improving.

Adoption Application